Heath's Bee Blog

"I have bees!"  

How to tell the difference between honey bees, and other common stinging insects!

As I wrapped up the 2023 season, I recieved a good number of calls in August from folks interested in help collecting, and rehoming, bees they had in various places around, and in, their home.  I commend, and was incredibly impressed with, the concern and interest that each person who contacted me had!  It's always nice to work with people who are genuinely interested in helping our good friend, the honey bee!  

An interesting trend emerged as I got calls.  It became clear that I could do a better job providing proactive information about how to identify honey bees, versus other stinging insects which might be better managed through extermination.  

Apis meffiera, or the western honey bee, is the managed (and also ferral) bee which we most frequently reference when it comes to honey production, the pollination of food, agriculture, and the maintenance of our environment and ecosystem.   The below picture is a western honey bee. These are the honey bees with which I work.