Heath Quiles, Master Beekeeper
Heath Quiles
Cornell University Master Beekeeper,
Head Beekeeper and Founder of River's Edge Apiary
It wasn't long after his first encounter with managed honey bees that Heath became an official "Beek".
After visiting a hive kept by the Environmental Science students at the high school where he was the principal, Heath almost immediately began learning everything he could about this amazing pollinator, apis mellifera. By the following Spring, he was off and running, bringing his first two nucleus, or starter, colonies into his own backyard.
As a graduate of the Cornell University Master Beekeeper Program, Heath aims to manage his honey bees in ways which maximize their health and sustainablity within the context of the local environment, while at the same time helping to teach others about the importance of these amazing pollinators. There are many challenges facing the western honey bee, particulary during times when we see marked increases in pesticide use, reductions in available forageable landscapes, and an increase in disease and pest pressures on honey bees.
River's Edge Apriary is located at 228 Riverview Road, in Rexford, NY (within the Town of Clifton Park)
Contact Us at riversedgebees@gmail.com or (518) 937-5405