River's Edge Honey
River's Edge Honey
At River's Edge Apiary we offer seasonal, raw honey produced by our bees right here on the edge of Vischer's Ferry Nature Preserve, in Rexford, NY.
Our lightest spring/early summer honey is typically available for purchase in July of each year. As the season progresses, in late July and early August, our honey harvests becomes darker, as our local nectar sources change. By September, we harvest our darkest, almost black, honey. This unique blend comes from our last annual blooms of goldenrod and Japanese knotweed.
12 oz. bottles of River's Edge Honey are $10.00.
If you're interested in purchasing River's Edge Honey, email us at riversedgebees@gmail.com or give us a call/text at (518) 937-5405
During the peak season, our honey is available directly with us, OR with our friends at:
The Vischer Ferry General Store www.vischerferrygeneralstore.com (Rexford) and,
Salon Sixty https://salonsixty518.com/our-roots (Guilderland).
River's Edge Apriary is located at 228 Riverview Road, in Rexford, NY (within the Town of Clifton Park)
Contact Us at riversedgebees@gmail.com or (518) 937-5405